

BBC RADIO 4: From Our Own Correspondent

Companies in Amsterdam are hitting back at plastic waste


27 June 2019

5 mins

By | June 27th, 2019|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: From Our Own Correspondent

BBC RADIO 4: The Brazilian Footballer Who Never Was

How one boy’s dream was cut short by the beautiful game’s ugly prejudice


Crossing Continents, 3 January 2019

30 mins

By | January 3rd, 2019|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: The Brazilian Footballer Who Never Was

BBC RADIO 4: Selling Sleep

The billion-pound business sector dedicated to improving our nights under the covers


In Business, 20 December 2018

30 mins

By | December 20th, 2018|Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Selling Sleep

BBC RADIO 4: The Power of Twitter

What has been its effect on democracy?


18 December 2018

40 mins

By | December 18th, 2018|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: The Power of Twitter

BBC RADIO 4: Retiring retirement

Many of us will still be working in our 80s


In Business, 16 August 2018

30 mins

By | August 16th, 2018|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Retiring retirement

The Unconventionalists podcast: 100th episode (Live)

Broadcast live from White City Place, London


12 June 2018

One hour (from 26:09)

By | June 12th, 2018|Radio|Comments Off on The Unconventionalists podcast: 100th episode (Live)

BBC RADIO 4: Shades of Jewish

Has Israel become less welcoming to African Jews?


Crossing Continents, 17 May 2018

30 mins

By | May 22nd, 2018|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Shades of Jewish

BBC RADIO 4: Screens and teens

Are smartphones harming our kids?


Analysis, 19 March 2018

30 mins

By | March 19th, 2018|Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Screens and teens

RADIO CBN BRAZIL: Emotional intelligence at work

Understanding our feelings is not just about the personal


The Petra Chaves Show, 10 March 2018

15 mins

In Portuguese

By | March 10th, 2018|Radio|Comments Off on RADIO CBN BRAZIL: Emotional intelligence at work

BBC WORLD SERVICE: The Why Factor – Noise

From the clangs and clatter of city life to weapons that use sound to harm us, noise can be a lot more dangerous than we think


The Why Factor, 15 January 2018

Featured on Pick of the Week, 21 January 2018

22 mins


By | January 15th, 2018|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC WORLD SERVICE: The Why Factor – Noise