

BBC RADIO 4: Inside the Brain of Jeff Bezos

What drives the richest person in the world?


24 November 2020

40 mins

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BBC RADIO 4: The March of Robots

Will COVID-19 lead to people losing their jobs to machines?


In Business, 28 August 2020

30 mins

By | August 28th, 2020|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: The March of Robots

CNN TONIGHT BRASIL: Tips for working from home

How to make home-working work for you and the people you live with


CNN Tonight (Brasil), 24 August 2020

5 mins

(In Portuguese)


By | August 24th, 2020|Radio|Comments Off on CNN TONIGHT BRASIL: Tips for working from home

BBC WORLD SERVICE: Is this the internet we always wanted?

Rethinking the way we run the global network

Panelist and contributor

The Real Story, 27 June 2020

1 hour

By | June 19th, 2020|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC WORLD SERVICE: Is this the internet we always wanted?

BBC RADIO 4: From Our Home Correspondent

An embarrassing incident in a wind turbine in Wales


19 January 2020

5 mins


By | January 19th, 2020|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: From Our Home Correspondent

The Unconventionalists podcast, episode 139: Vulnerability and more

Reflections on the environment, teaching, the Jewish New Year and much more


12 January 2020

1 hr 15m

By | January 12th, 2020|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on The Unconventionalists podcast, episode 139: Vulnerability and more

BBC RADIO 4: Keeping the Lights On

The way we use electricity is changing – and so is the way we generate it


In Business, 28 November 2019

30 mins

By | December 5th, 2019|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Keeping the Lights On

BBC RADIO 4: A Question of Artefacts

How should museums deal with contentious legacies? 


Analysis, 14 October 2019

30 mins

By | October 14th, 2019|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: A Question of Artefacts

BBC RADIO 4: Can Facebook Survive?

What does the future hold for the world's biggest connector of people?


6 August 2019

40 mins

By | August 14th, 2019|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Can Facebook Survive?

BBC RADIO 4: Making an Impact

Businesses that look beyond the bottom line


In Business, 1 August 2019

30 mins

By | August 6th, 2019|Highlights, Radio|Comments Off on BBC RADIO 4: Making an Impact