

AI and Psychotherapy

Artificial intelligence is moving in on therapy

UKCP, June 2024

By | June 17th, 2024|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on AI and Psychotherapy


In love with the hours when it's neither one day nor the next

Superstore Wilderness Vol 1, March 2023

By | March 19th, 2023|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on Nightwalks

Strangers are a good route to happiness

Little interchanges can significantly boost our well-being

Época Negócios Brazil, October 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | November 1st, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on Strangers are a good route to happiness

Gen Z can teach us to think about our mental health

Their reluctance to take up jobs should be a wake-up call for all of us in work

Época Negócios Brazil, July 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | September 4th, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on Gen Z can teach us to think about our mental health

Self-knowledge is good for companies too

The Johari Window can throw light on how organisations are seen and see themselves

Época Negócios Brazil, August 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | September 4th, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on Self-knowledge is good for companies too

How do we know what is “true”?

Technology is challenging our ideas about fact and fiction

Época Negócios Brazil, June 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | June 24th, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on How do we know what is “true”?

Let’s think again about certainty

Ambivalence is making a comeback

Época Negócios Brazil, May 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | June 1st, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on Let’s think again about certainty

A different way to have meetings

A long-awaited reunion prompts new thoughts about getting together at work

Época Negócios Brazil, April 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | April 28th, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on A different way to have meetings

Should we be happy at work?

Why happiness is underrated in the workplace

Época Negócios Brazil, March 2022

(originally published in Portuguese)

By | March 28th, 2022|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on Should we be happy at work?

The Wired World in 2022

Smart, informed predictions for the year ahead


Published November 2021

By | November 4th, 2021|Highlights, Writing|Comments Off on The Wired World in 2022